Beat the Heat: Summer Pet Care Tips

With summer now in full swing in the UAE, it’s important to keep our pets safe from the intense heat. The soaring temperatures can cause dehydration and even life-threatening heatstroke. But fear not, we’ve put together some practical advice and interesting facts to help you keep your pets cool and comfortable all summer long.

Understanding Heatstroke in Pets

Did you know pets can’t sweat like humans, making them more vulnerable to overheating? Heatstroke happens when a pet’s body temperature rises rapidly, and they can’t cool down. Prolonged exposure to the sun, hot environments, or intense exercise in the heat are the main causes.

Recognizing the Signs of Heatstroke

  • Heavy panting
  • Rapid breathing
  • Drooling
  • Bright red tongue and gums
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Diarrhea
  • Seizures
  • Confusion
  • Fainting

If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to act quickly.

Preventing Heatstroke in Pets

Here are some easy and effective ways to protect your pets from the summer heat:

  • Hydration is Key: Always provide fresh, clean water. Adding water to their dry food can also boost their fluid intake.
  • Seek Shade: Limit sun exposure, especially during peak hours. Create shaded areas with fans or air conditioning to keep the area cool.
  • Time Your Walks: Walk your pets during cooler times of the day, such as early morning or late evening. Avoid the midday heat.
  • Groom Smart: Keep up with grooming but don’t shave them completely. A bit of fur helps protect their skin from the sun.
  • Know Your Breed: Flat-faced breeds are more vulnerable to heatstroke. They may need extra care and cooler environments.

Extra Tips for a Cool Summer

  • Cool Treats: Offer frozen treats or ice cubes to help them cool down.
  • Cool Mats and Towels: Invest in cooling mats or dampen a towel with cold water for them to lie on.
  • Avoid Hot Surfaces: Pavement and sand can get extremely hot and burn pets’ paws. Stick to grassy areas or use pet booties. As a general rule: if you cannot hold your hand on the surface for 5 seconds without feeling too hot, neither can your pet.

What to Do If Your Pet Shows Signs of Heatstroke

  • Move them to a cooler area immediately.
  • Offer small amounts of water to avoid overhydration.
  • Use cool (not cold) water to wet their fur.
  • Contact Dr. Vet Animal Hospital immediately for further instructions.

By following these tips and staying alert to your pet’s needs, you can ensure they have a safe and enjoyable summer. Remember, every pet is unique, so adapt these suggestions to fit their specific requirements. Stay cool and keep your pets cooler!